Okay, I've gotten a few comments wondering how this works. Here's the instructions: go to www.thegrocerygame.com and sign up. I believe it costs $10 a month for one store of your choice and $5 for each additional store. I use Albertson's and Fry's. You need to subscribe to your local Sunday paper for the coupons. Every Sunday I cut out my coupons and file them. Then I go to the website and it tells me what's on sale and how much I'll save using a coupon. They color code the items: black=stuff you buy only if you hafta have it that week; blue=stuff you wanna stock up on; green=free stuff! You check the box of each item you want to buy and print out your list! Then you collect those coupons you'll be using from your file and off you go! You gotta shop on Monday or Tuesday for the sales. I usually go early Monday mornings before Haylee's awake while Cameron is still workin' home. Keep in mind that it will take a month or so to get into the routine. WARNING: it's addictive!!! I am totally addicted and if we are outta town on a Sunday I get a little twitchy since I'm not home to cut out my coupons!:) Good luck!!!
7 years ago
Haylee is so cute! just in case you wanted to know that. lol
So I just heard this morning that Albertson's will no longer accept competitors coupons. Will the grocery game still work there?
Hey Bethany I just got going into the coupon fun and found a website that does the same thing listing the sales and coupons for you but it's totally free! They also have more coupons that you can print out. It's at couponmom.com so check it out. It may or may not be worth it cuz I know that once you have a good system it's hard to change but I thought I'd let you know.
Thank you Kimber--I did want to know that!:) Yes, Kaydi the game still works there cuz I use manufacturer coupons. Thank you Kindy, I'll hafta check that out!:)
Thank you for posting this. I have been looking for a good system for a while. One that does the hard work for you cuz with 4 kids, who has the time to research! This seems perfect. Thanks again! And by the way, Haylee is too cute :)
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