Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Does It Get Any Cuter???

Haylee made my day today! As I was putting her in her carseat (which she usually hates) to go run errands, she smiled at me and even giggled a little!!! Oh man--it melted my heart right there! I was so mad that my phone was already in the car so I couldn't get a picture of it. But then later this afternoon as I was changing her diaper, she did it again! I grabbed my phone so fast, thinkin' surely I'd missed it, but I didn't! I was able to capture her in all her cuteness! This will forever be a favorite picture of her for me! Love my little girl...:)


Erin said...

Aren't those moments the best?!?! We definitely need to hook Haylee and Bryson up in the future. :)

Anonymous said...

SOO SOO CUTE. She's just chillin'.

Anonymous said...

No. It doesn't get any cuter and I am totally unbiased.

April said...

She is soooo stinkin cute!