Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our Little "Cold War"...

Enemy #1--Bulb Syringe--AKA: "Nose Sucker"
Enemy #2--Albuterol Syrup--AKA "Nasty Medicine"
The Allies--Toy Rings and Cuddly Butterfly--AKA: The Friends That Don't Hurt Me

So poor little Haylee has been so sick this week. It started Sunday night with a runny nose and a little cough. We thought,"Oh, we can handle this! No problem!" Then on Wednesday, her breathing started to get really strained and we got worried, so we took her to the doctor, who prescribed Enemy #2. It's basically the same as an asthma inhaler (I speak from experience on that one!). They warned that the medicine would actually make her cough more and that she might even throw up, just to get all that gunk outta her lungs. They were right! Haylee has been through the ringer this week. A friend of mine said she'd rather be on her deathbed than have her baby be sick--I now understand and agree. It breaks my heart to see her so miserable. The saddest part has got to be the loss of her little voice. I said in an earlier post that Haylee LOVES to talk and tell stories in her own language--now she can't cuz she doesn't have a voice! Her little silent, then raspy cry is so pitiful. I've told people that she sounds like a dog that has had it's voice box removed, but still tries to bark. So sad...We think the worst is over and she is getting better slowly. I sure hope so!


April said...

Aw poor little girl! I hate that she's been so sick. But I am so glad that she is getting better!!! Kiss her for me!!

Beth Benson said...

aww she looks so peaceful just sitting there, but thank goodness for her that she can actually sleep during her sickness.

Valerie Gniazdowski said...

Hey guys, We are so sorry to hear your little girl is so sick. I have to tell you, we check in on your blog regularly and Haylee is so adorable. We cannot believe how much she looks like Cameron! We will keep all of you in our prayers and pray for a speedy recovery. Love, Keith & Valerie

Enjoy the Journey said...

Ughh... why are we all having to battle the sickness with kids? I sure hope that Haylee feels better soon! Good thing she has those great Allies to make her feel better, but even better she has mom and dad to snuggle her up and make her feel even better!

Two little lovebirds said...

I am so sorry Haylee is sick! Having a sick baby is the worst!! I hope she feels better soon :)

CF Is Not Forever said...

What a rip off! Those green hospital bulb suckers are the best! We bought another one to try it and it is craptacular. Check out this interesting website on a new method....One of my friends swears by it!

Clinton said...

Sorry to hear that she's been sick!I hate the stomach bugs the most. I had a few weeks last summer that about did me in! And I'm talking about the baby throw up all day and the diarrhia diapers...not fun!

Enjoy the Journey said...

How is the cold war??? I am hpoing to get yogurt this weekend...Fridsy or Saturday looks good! Let us know!